Some clever guys took a very cold gas and placed the particles at some positive level using lasers. 
Fig 7

Frequency . . . . . .


Now the distribution is upside down.  Instead of the energies being piled up around zero, they are piled up at a positive value, and (wait for it) the temperature is negative.  But to get there it had to go through zero.  The whole lab should have zipped off to Out There.  But it didn’t not even the sample vanished.  So there is information in the location of a particle that is independent of its temperature.

But you knew that had to be true.  According to the curve, the most likely temperature is zero anyway.  Those particles should locate themselves at random, mostly Out There.  The universe would boil away on the PDQ.  So as In Here collapses, energy piles up.  There’s no quantum mottle, because quantum uncertainty only happens in reverse time.  J6, 7 

There’s no difficulty having orderly systems like life build up, because in forward time, order builds up automatically.  J8 Of course In Here we say that disorder is always increasing just as energy is always being dispersed, which is well and good but only in reverse time.

Since the temperature-independent location of matter is real information, and since

information         energy        mass gravity,

dark matter is just what you would expect.  J9

If we were Out There watching the universe collapse, we would see gravity building up, which means time is slowing down.  From In Here when we look out in space we see the universe when it was more collapsed, time was slower so it looks like we are speeding up.  There’s your dark energy.  J10. 

Now we’re going to need a second piece of magic.  We’ll call it a doohickey.  L 2







Fig 8
This thing has awareness, a memory – which is not always available to awareness – and abstract reasoning.  You might say that these are just three different ways of describing the same thing, if you like.  It should be familiar; it’s your personality. 

Now Turing proved you can’t make the doohickey In Here; the laws of logic won’t permit it.  So it had to exist Out There.  And like the neutron it takes many trips through the In Here.  So be nice to people, each of them is just you at a different point along your path.  J 11

Out there, since time can go any old way, there is no difference between good and bad, help and harm, creation and destruction.  But In Here, the difference is obvious.  Somehow the doohickey has figured that out.  J 12

And that is the point of the whole thing.  In its many trips through the In Here, the doohickey has had the opportunity to experience existence in a universe with moral order. J 13







The doohickey of course comes back in parallel experience,





not to be confused with reincarnation, which can only run in series.



A final word of caution (as if you needed it.)

If you are In Here and see something fall into a black hole in reversed time, in other words time as we usually understand it – outside the black hole on Monday and inside on Tuesday – it would unambiguously establish which way time is going.  They think they have seen two black holes spiraling into each other by seeing their gravity waves. 

Image result for gravity waves detected

There are two colors because there are two sensors.  What might we expect to see? 

Their data pass six tests.  That’s pretty good.

But the whole thing works just as well in reverse, so it’s really no help in telling us which way time is going.

What we need is to identify both objects on Monday and only one on Tuesday OR one on Monday and two on Tuesday. 

Maybe tomorrow.  Or maybe we’ll wake up Out There. 

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